Touch Screen users:

Scroll up or down  with mouse wheel or Button; or touch screen with fingers  including iPad, tablet and on some cellular phones.  preferably on this side.

Scroll down screen section(s) with mouse movement or wheel.  Cell Phones, Ipads & tablets can be scrolled with finger/device pointer (preferably) on left or right-side and to click/browse through screens.  You can change Menus by click top left corner. 

To Visit above - click the below link - Virtual Tour of a FAMOUS Art Museum.  This is one of the most amazing virtual tours I have ever seen.  These gallery booths are awesome.  If you click unintentionally or double jump past a booth, virtually turn around and click back to see that booth.  - Fill free to explore other areas outside of the top balcony section, by clicking the picture links (or the floor levels on right side).  Check out the first floor outdoor section too (Nice Virtual hangout).  The cell phone version is full of amazing surprises too.

Smithsonian American Art Museum - below link

Below is the Out Door section, or you can navigate from the above link to find the OUT DOOR section.

360 Tour of Palmyra in 360 Degrees Another museum exhibit at the link below too.   - below link

Music streaming

Thanks to all the Universities and Art Schools for allowing to display their famous works of Art. 

Some of the Universities and middle Schools videos here, may have a Chat box or Live Video sessions, on their specific Videos.  Which will allow you to communicate with them directly.  Keep in mind are not responsible for any videos that redirects you to another site, or chat group video sessions.

To get the full-screen effect- you can also copy or click the link to the browser address.

The above link is great on a large-screen projector movie screen or flat-screen TV.  Excellent for lunch break background screen with pleasant music.

Explicit language

You can play several videos at the same time - within a page section here.  Depends on your network speed and bandwidth.  Try to get unlimited network payment plan - with reasonable bandwidth to avoid slow or choppy videos.  Most schools provide free wi-fi to students, or a wired network - which is generally better than wi-fi.

California Institute of the Arts, Consolidated Film Industries, Dream Quest Images, KODAK Motion Picture Film, Graphic Films, Image G, IMAGICA USA Inc., Iwerks Entertainment, RPG Productions Inc., Swell Productions

Stop Motion Art in progress

The above is true to a point, but I don't think this applies to Animation Art.  Why attend a Major University for Art, without - not just learning everything significant Mastering general art skills, but take advantage of courses in Animation, and studio quality special Effects.  Most of the top best 3D Animation Software Companies offers students free (somewhat limited, but good enough to create fantastic animation Art).  Companies like Autodesk - bought out just about every top Animation Software company - and offers students this type of software for free or at a major discount.  If your school does not offer these types of course, at a minimum - get them to signup with these software companies - to be on the list of schools, that offers these discounts to schools.  Animation software is no-longer only for computer geeks - who have little understanding of true visual art.  I believe animation & Special Effects movies have become more realistic and far better quality within the last few years because Students of art are taking courses in animation, evolving and Applying Major Art School fundamentals - with CGI, and getting much better with creating Fantastic Animation & Special Effect Art.  TV series like Game of Thrones - would not survive without Art history Graduate students, or the Matrix Reloaded 2003 (blend of old fashion Artwork+, VFX and CGI - created with the well-trained modern Art - expert eyes & minds of true educated Artist from the finest Art Schools and Universities). Lastly, seek out Universities that gets major funding from Artist and Production Studios.  If I became wealthy from a career in Art's, CGI and Special Effects.  I would be likely to send money to the University that inspired me.  Obviously, the Universities that Top Artist and Directors attended, you may find out these Universities benefit from funds and donations.  Imagine going to a University that sends students to Production Studios as interns, etc..  It's all about the benefits of that Bachelors in Arts Degree.  Again, It's all about the benefits of that Bachelors in Arts Degree +3d Animation skills.  -  Bryce Terrell     ; )